The Principal Aim
The principal aim of project is qualification development staff of public government, non-governmental organisation and staff of school in sustainable developmen in The Usti region. They will be trained in writing projects and monitoring indicators.
The Particular Goals and Outcomes
Target towns:
Initiate creation „Local Act Teams – Místní Akční tými“ called MAT
The Mats creation in five towns in Usti region. They will composed from officials, staff of local NGOs and schools, capitals and bussines and citizens. They will deal with locals problems.
Implement assessment methodics of monitoring local sustainable development indicators
The monitoring local sustainable development indicators support sustainable development of towns, cities and micro-regions.
More information about local sustainable development indicators in the Czech Republic:
Prepare actions to citizens
In Bilina, Litomerice, Litvinov, Krasna Lipa, Roudnici nad Labem and Rumburk will realize actions to citizens. Citizens, officials and specialists will argue about problems town. They will choose some problems, which oficials will solve.
More information about actions to citizens:
Prepare planninig workshops
Planning workshops will connect to actions to citizens. Oficials and MAT will search solve for choice problems.
Creation five working stations called „the local coordinator“
Locals coordinators will coordinate the monitoring local sustainable development indicators.
Staff training for the local coordinator
The IEP members will provide the staff trainning. Local coordinators will be trained in writing projects and monitoring indicators.
Realize eductional journey behind best practice to Belgium
The local coordinators and oficials from choise towns will go on eductional journey behind best practice of strategic planning and monitoring local sustainable development indicators.
Target school
Seminars for teachers of environmental education |
Origin network distribution of special materials focused on ecological footprint and environmental audit |
Help & support with monitoring school ecological footprint and environmental audit |
Staff of schools engage in „Local Act Teams – Místní Akční týmy“ called MAT |
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Projekt je spolufinancován ze zdrojů Evropského sociálního fondu a státního rozpočtu České republiky.